All online activities are pre-planned, pre-designed and pre-recorded. They offer tutorials on various topics for your child to practice more at home with mom and dad.
Though it can stand alone, on-line activities work best if they are paired with in-person activities.
All ages can participate in online activities.
Face-to-face activities are carried out at an agreed location in groups to allow great communication, interaction as well as opportunities for children to make new friends. The face-to-face activities integrate with online activities for the best learning environment.
These activities are offered in more than one session. Each session is planned to build on the previous lesson with a beautiful memento to take home.
Similar to mini activities, youth activities are in-person activities taught by a skilled professional (active planner) in their field.
These activities take on a more course-like feel with testing as well as possible corroborations with his/her activity planner in future. Each course consists of at least 3 courses and works well if done simultaneously with online activities.
Youth activities are designed for children aged 10 - 14 years.